
Who We Are

Rehab Studios is a brand born from REAL people and their REAL journeys of recovery from addiction and mental illness. Our aim is to create a collection that celebrates and inspires recovery in others.

Our brand is about shedding the anonymity and speaking out against the stigma. Recovery is something to celebrated, not kept secret. We’re here to commemorate everyone who has ever struggled and won against these diseases and to inspire and support those still sick, still suffering and STILL fighting. Whatever your journey may be, wherever you are in it, we hope you’ll share it with us.

Our message is not 'Sobriety For Everyone!" but rather an increased awareness around addiction and respect for those who do choose sobriety. 

Join The Tribe

Anyone who has experienced the depths of addiction and mental illness knows the importance of surrounding yourself with a tribe of people who lift you up, help you through your very worst moments and celebrate your victories. Rehab Studios is about more than just our products, it's building a community full of love, support, and dark humor, for all of us who are suffering, have suffered, or know someone who is.

born in brooklyn, new york.
influenced by culture, worldwide

the vision.  these designs are influenced by the gritty, seductive world of addiction and the agathokakological nature of recovery: where pain meets fantasy and hell merges with heaven. in an airbrushed world, we’re designing for real people: the addicts, the mentally divergent, the artists, the outcasts, the truly authentic. we are telling your stories and glamorizing your journeys of healing, and enlightenment. 



Rehab Studios celebrate the freedom and exuberance of recovery. Our designs are bold and playful, encouraging wearers to shed their anonymity and embrace individuality, while simultaneously adhering to a luxe and elevated aesthetic. Our designs are influenced by real people and their stories, modern art and street art, and a culture of innovation. 

Fuck The Stigma: This mantra plays into the Rehab Studio’s purpose, mission, and aesthetic. This brand was born out of stories of recovery from addiction and mental illness. Our designs exists because of and pay homage to the freedom recovery provides and the journey of breaking free. Our mission is to share a new outlook through our art, that loudly celebrates instead of stigmatizing and hiding the struggles that make us who we are. We do this with  designs that embrace the rebellious notion of smashing the stigma, destroying the status quo, and forging a new normal. 

anonymity is central to the society’s acceptance of addiction of mental illness. we’re rebelling against this notion with an eye-catching palette & striking, graphic designs.